CAPS - Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey

Screening Aids

Screening Aid Contributed by
Adoxophyes orana – Summer Fruit Tortix Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Adoxophyes orana – Summer Fruit Tortix, Field Identification Julieta Brambila
John W. Brown
Adoxophyes orana – Summer Fruit Tortrix, Invasive Arthropod Workshop Training Manual Steven C. Passoa
Aeolesthes sarta – City longhorn beetle Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Aeolesthes sarta Identification Aid K. Zhaurova
Agrilus planipennis – Emerald Ash Borer James E. Zablotny
Agrilus spp. Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Agrilus sulcicollis and Agrilus cyanescens – Differentiation James E. Zablotny
Archips xylosteanus – Variegated Golden Tortrix Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Argyresthia pruniella – Cherry Blossom Moth Julieta Brambila
Steven C. Passoa
Autographa gamma – Silver Y Moth, Field Screening Aid Julieta Brambila
Steven C. Passoa
Autographa gamma – Silver Y Moth, Identification Aid Julieta Brambila
Autographa gamma – Silver Y Moth, Separation by Genitalic Dissection from Non-target Species Steven C. Passoa
Bark Beetle Genera of the United States
Cameraria ohridella – Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Chilo spp. – Stem Borers Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Chilo suppressalis – Asiatic Rice Borer Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Chlorophorus spp. Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Chrysodeixis chalcites – Golden Twin Spot Moth, Field Screening Aid Julieta Brambila
Steven C. Passoa
Chrysodeixis chalcites – Golden Twin Spot Moth, Identification Aid with genitalia Julieta Brambila
Steven C. Passoa
Chrysodeixis chalcites – Golden Twin Spot Moth, Wing Diagnostic Aid with Non-targets Julieta Brambila
Steven C. Passoa
Citrus Black Spot Hilda Gomez
Citrus Diseases
Citrus Leprosis Disease Symptoms Hilda Gomez
Conogethes puncitferalis – Yellow Peach Moth Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Contarinia nasturtii – Swede Midge Leon Praetorius
Crocidosema aporema – Soybean Bud Borer Julieta Brambila
Cryptoblabes gnidiella – Christmas Berry Webworm Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Cydalima perspectalis – Larval D. Young
S.C. Passoa
M.A. Solis
Cydalima perspectalis – Pupal D. Young
S.C. Passoa
M.A. Solis
Darna pallivitta – Nettle Caterpillar Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Marc E. Epstein
Dendrolimus spp. – Pine Lappets Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Dermestid Beetle Recognition and Screening Aid Charles F. Brodel
Dermestid Beetle Self-tutorial, Adults Charles F. Brodel
Dermestid Beetle Self-tutorial, Larvae Charles F. Brodel
Duponchelia fovealis – European PepperMoth Julieta Brambila
Duponchelia fovealis (Pyralidae), Adults Julieta Brambila
Steven C. Passoa
Elsinoe australis – Sweet orange scab Particia De Sa Snow
Enarmonia formosana – Cherry Bark Tortrix Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Chris Looney
Steven C. Passoa
Epiphyas postvittana – Light Brown Apple Moth Todd M. Gilligan
Marc E. Epstein
Steven C. Passoa
Julieta Brambila
Eudocima fullonia – Fruit Piercing Moth Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Eupoecilia ambiguella – European Grape Berry Moth Todd M. Gilligan
Marc E. Epstein
Steven C. Passoa
Eupoecilia ambiguella – Genitalia
Exotic Bark Beetles in the Northeastern United States
Globodera spp. – Pale Cyst Nematode Craig Webb
Grapevine Yellows Disease Ryan Steeves
Grapholita funebrana – Plum Fruit Moth Julieta Brambila
Grapholita spp. – Identification Aid Todd M. Gilligan
Gymnandrosoma aurantianum – Citrus Fruit Borer Identification Aid Julieta Brambila
Helicoverpa armigera Julieta Brambila
Helicoverpa armigera and H. zea, Dissection instructions for identifying males Julieta Brambila
Helicoverpa distinguished from H. armigera
Helicoverpa zea and H. armigera, Differentiation of Adult Males Michael G. Pogue
Heteronychus arator – Black Maize Beetle Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Charles F. Brodel
Huanglongbing – Citrus Greening – (HLB) Disease Symptoms Hilda Gomez
Identification of Siricidae of North America James R. LaBonte
Invasive Mite Identification
Ips sexdentatus – Six-toothed Bark Beetle Jospeh Benzel
Ips typographus – European Spruce Bark Beetle Jospeh Benzel
Key to the Genera of the Cerambycidae of Western North America James R. LaBonte
Joshua B. Dunlap
Daniel R. Clark
Thomas E. Valente
Joshua J. Vlach
Leucoptera malifoliella – Pear Leaf Blister Moth Todd M. Gilligan
Julieta Brambila
Steven C. Passoa
Lobesia botrana – European Grapevine Moth, Screening and Identification Aid Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Marc E. Epstein
Longicorn ID
Lymantria dispar – Gypsy Moth Kira Metz
Julieta Brambila
Lymantriid and Lasiocampid Moths Dave Lance
Mamestra brassicae – Cabbage Moth Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Massicus raddei – Mountain Oak Longhorned Beetle Jospeh Benzel
Monochamus spp. – Pine Sawyer Beetles Jospeh Benzel
Neoleucinodes spp. Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Nysius huttoni – Wheat Bug Julieta Brambila
Nysius huttoni – Wheat Bug, Identification Aid Julieta Brambila
Orthotomicus erosus – Mediterranean Pine Engraver Jospeh Benzel
Oryctes rhinoceros – Coconut rhinoceros beetle Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Charles F. Brodel
Ostrinia furnacalis – Asian Corn Borer, Field Screening and Diagnostic Aid Julieta Brambila
Oxycarenus hyalinipennis – Cotton Seed Bug Julieta Brambila
Panolis flammea – Pine Beauty Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Paysandisia archon – South American Palm Borer Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Pectinophora gossypiella – Pink Bollworm Julieta Brambila
Phytophthora ramorum – Sudden Oak Death symptoms for nursery plants Ken Peek
Pieris brassicae – Large White Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Pityogenes chalcographus – Six-toothed Spruce Bark Beetle Jospeh Benzel
Pityophthorus juglandis – Walnut Twig Beetle Screening Aid James R. LaBonte
Robert J. Rabaglia
Platypus spp. and Megaplatypus spp. – Ambrosia Beetles Jospeh Benzel
Rhabdoscelus obscurus – Sugar Cane Weevil Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Charles F. Brodel
Rhynchophorus spp. – Palm Weevils Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Scale Insects
Scolytinae – Eastern James R. LaBonte
Steven A. Valley
E. Richard Hoebeke
Robert J. Rabaglia
Scolytinae – Western James R. LaBonte
Steven A. Valley
Joshua J. Vlach
Scolytinae Bark Beetles: Separation from Similar Bark Beetles Bobby Brown
Scolytus intricatus – European Oak Bark Beetle Jospeh Benzel
Screening Key for CAPS Target Lepidoptera in the Eastern and Midwestern United States (males). Lab Manual for the Lepidoptera Identification Workshop. University of Maryland. Steven C. Passoa
Screening Key for CAPS Target Pyraloidea in the Eastern and Midwestern United States (males). Lab Manual for the Lepidoptera Identification Workshop. University of Maryland. Steven C. Passoa
Screening Key for CAPS Target Tortricidae in the Eastern and Midwestern United States (males). Lab Manual for the Lepidoptera Identification Workshop. University of Maryland Steven C. Passoa
Selected Non-target Moths Encountered Various Lepidoptera Surveys Julieta Brambila
Siricid Wood Wasps Nathan M. Schiff
Steven A. Valley
James R. LaBonte
David R. Smith
Spodoptera littoralis – Egyptian Cottonworm, Field Diagnostics Julieta Brambila
Spodoptera littoralis – Egyptian Cottonworm, Wing Diagnostics Julieta Brambila
Spodoptera litura – Rice Cutworm, Field Diagnostics Julieta Brambila
Steven C. Passoa
Spodoptera litura – Rice Cutworm, Wing Diagnostics Julieta Brambila
Steven C. Passoa
Spodoptera spp. Female Identification Aid Julieta Brambila
Spodoptera spp. Handout, Genitalia Julieta Brambila
Spodoptera spp. Handout, Wings Julieta Brambila
Steneotarsonemus spinki – Panicle Rice Mite Eric McDonald
Stenoma catenifer – Avocado Seed Moth Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Tecia solanivora – Guatemalan Potato Moth Screening Aid Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Terrestrial Mollusc Tool
Tetropium spp. Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Serge Laplante
Thaumatotibia leucotreta – False Codling Moth Todd M. Gilligan
Marc E. Epstein
Thaumatotibia leucotreta – False Codling Moth, Adult Julieta Brambila
Thaumatotibia leucotreta – False Codling Moth, Larval ID
Thaumatotibia leucotreta – False Codling Moth, “FCM” Identification Aid Julieta Brambila
Thaumetopoea spp. – Processionary Moths Todd M. Gilligan
Steven C. Passoa
Frans Groenen
Tomicus spp. – Pine Shoot Beetles Jospeh Benzel
Trichoferus campestris – Velvet longhorn beetle Hanna R. Royals
Todd M. Gilligan
Trypodendron domesticum – European Hardwood Ambrosia Beetle William Carlson
Tuta absoluta – Tomato Leafminer, Field Screening and Diagnostic Aid Julieta Brambila
Sangmi Lee
Steven C. Passoa
Tuta absoluta – Tomato Leafminer, Identification Aid Julieta Brambila
Sangmi Lee
Steven C. Passoa
Xanthomonas citri – Citrus Canker Dan Robl
Xyleborus glabratus – Redbay Ambrosia Beetle Jospeh Benzel